Building a Godly Relationship

When we talk about building a Godly Relationship what comes into your mind?

Yes someone can be in a relationship and someone can be in a Godly Relationship.

Building Godly Relationship simply means, Building a relationship that is aimed at glorifying Our God in heaven.

God’s love for us is the ultimate and that’s why, it’s important to understand that the love of God in you justifies every other love you seek from others. You need to understand that Nobody can love you more than the way God loves you. The most perfect and suiting love comes from God, always remind yourself that.

In the book of 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 KJV version says, Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, 

Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil;

Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth;

Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.

When you spend more time with the Lord, You will see that Love is powerful and this was what made him gave his only begotten son for our sake. (John 3:16)

Have you ever asked yourself why jealousy and envy are involved in a relationship including selfishness sometimes?

That’s very simple!

Its answers are traceable to whoever you are in a relationship with.

Whenever you are connected with God, you will be conscious and careful not to sin or displease him in any way.

One way to stay connected to God is by studying his words. Whenever you study his words you discover the best means of solving your relationship challenges. Studying his words makes you aware of the third person who is the “Holy Spirit”. The Holy Spirit speaks and guides you in your daily living as a child of God.

Making it a habit to always pray for your partner:

Sometimes, your partner could be attacked or influenced by another spirit trying to separate you both but a constant reminder to God about your partner will help solve a lot of spiritual problems. You don’t also have to wait for challenges to rise before you run to Your father in heaven for help. Always make sure you pray together as a couple in unity.

Always Bless each other: 

A child of God is never supposed to curse but Bless. Learn to talk to your partner in a good and understanding manner, singing words of praises at all times.

Abstinence from sex: 

Sex before marriage is a sin and an abomination before God. Sexual purity takes a lot of self-discipline and the fear of God to achieve. Yes, it’s not easy you may say, but this is the commandment of God and must be kept if you want to enjoy the benefits of a Godly Relationship.

The book of Hebrew 13:4 says that the marriage is to be held in honor and the marriage bed undefiled. God will judge everyone who didn’t keep to his standards.

Finally, Be an encouragement to each other, reminding yourselves the principles of him that sent you both on earth.

Always practice the fruits of the spirit which are, Love, joy, peace, long-suffering, goodness, meekness, gentleness, self-control and faithfulness.

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