Why Sexual Purity is important to God

You may wonder, are there really good spiritual benefits or reasons for sexual purity?

This article is entitled to help you gain more leverage as a child of God and enjoy the benefits of being Sexually pure.

Before I proceed, I would like to remind you that Jesus loves you and that’s why He created you in his own image and likeness. He wants to give you the best in life and that’s why, he wants you to keep his commandments and every instruction.

God’s will for his children is to be sexually pure and reserved for our partners in marriage. Our body the Bible says is the temple of God and should be kept Holy and acceptable in Christ. (1cor 6:19)

However, have you ever sat down and asked why God is so much interested in us being pure sexually?

The book of Corinthians 6:18-20 records, “Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body.

The Almighty God, who created us, knows the best for us because He alone knows how he created us to function. Therefore, whatever commandments he has given to us is for our good. He has promised everyone individual blessings as long as we keep to his instructions. ( Deuteronomy 28:1-14). Also, there is also a punishment and curse for Disobedience.

Whenever we decided to neglect the ways of the Lord in the area of sexual purity, we would suffer tremendous negative effects for our actions because we went against the Lord’s standard design.

However, this sexual perspective only makes sense to a few who fear and are familiar with the Bible and understands God’s standards. For everyone still growing spiritually in the things of the Lord, you may need more explanation to understand better.

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Consequences of Pre Marital sex

First of all, you need to understand that sex before marriage is a sin before God. The New testament classified all sexual conduct outside the legal marriage as, premarital sex, adultery, sexual Immorality etc. In the book of Mark 7:20-23 talks about the consequences of pre Marital sex which includes below.

1. Depression And Suicidal Attempts 

The Centers for Disease control and prevention (CDC) reports shows that students who abstain from premarital sex are much healthier than their peers who are sexually active. Another Analysis has it that, Sexually active teenage boys and girls are less happy and more depressed which leads to suicide attempts.

2. Sexual Regret

This is always this sense of guilt, pain and shame experienced after this act. It’s been made open that the regrets over premarital sex has associated with psychological distress, such as loss of satisfaction in life, low self-esteem, depression And physical health problems.

3. Pre-marital sex leads to Poor Satisfaction in marriage

The consequences of pre-marital sex has a measure effect in your marriage as well. Of Course the US-based national marriage project discovered that both men and women who had sexual partners apart from their partners experienced lower or poor satisfaction in marriage.

Abstinence: this is the truth, those who Kept themselves for their marriage are more likely to enjoy the best Marital relationship and fulfillment. A family psychologist had to compare couples who had sex in early stages of their courtship and the couple who waited until marriage before having sex and it was stated that the couple who waited experienced a greater bonding, intimacy, stability and satisfaction including a better communication process than the ones who had sex in their courtship times.

Abstinence saves you from some challenges, disease and infections, increases your emotional connection with your partner and increases your sexual pleasure. One of the reasons you are asked to wait till your marriage before having sex is that, you are more likely to have a healthy sex life in your marriage because it is recognized and truly honored by God.

Self-discipline: keeping yourself sexually pure is the highest discipline you can give to yourself.

We live in a world where everyone speaks and practices whatever they like but note God’s words remain true and sure.

Whenever we acknowledge the ways of God, we tend to discover that sex within marriage is the best way to enjoy sex just as he has created us to function. We will surely have the real source of joy and peace without fear, guilt or Shame because it was done right.

We will have freedom to enjoy heightened emotional intimacy and increased pleasure with our partner. It is really beautiful to be loved in a lifetime marriage covenant. We will surely enjoy the Lord’s presence and joy when we obey his commandments and honor him having the bed undefiled just as stated in Hebrew 13:4.

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