8 keys for a Successful and Healthy Relationship & Marriage

When speaking of success in a relationship or in marriage, one thing to note is that, success never just comes probably after finding the right one, but it comes from you becoming the right one for your partner.

However, this article is here to help you build a healthy and sustainable relationship or marriage.

Below are some essential keys for a successful Relationship & Marriage.

1. Love and Commitment

When it comes to love, it’s a decision you make to be committed to another person.

This is far beyond the emotional dramas shown in movies, the romantic novels and fairytale movies. In reality, feelings come and go but to stay committed to a person is a choice and this is what makes a healthy marriage.

When it comes to Marriage, you must make up your mind to stay committed through the ups and downs.

2. Patience & Forgiveness

There is never a perfect being on earth and that’s why forgiveness and patience is highly recommended to build a sustainable relationship or marriage. Every successful Marriage partner has been taught how to show an endless patience and forgiveness to their partner. It’s easier to admit to your fault without expecting perfection from your partner.

Where there is patience and forgiveness, revenge and fights are rare. Whenever you forgive your partner, it set your heart free.

3. Truthfulness and Trust

This is a major foundation for any successful relationship or marriage. Trust is very important if your Marriage must last long.

No matter what you do, you must try to earn your partner’s trust by being truthful to them.

4. Effective Communication

I often say, where there is no Communication, there is no Relationship. For any Healthy relationship or marriage, communication can never be left out.

Couples must learn effective ways to communicate their thoughts, actions to each other as much as possible.

Communication is not just about you talking but it’s also about you listening to your partner’s point of view and not being one sided in your judgement.

5. Spending Quality time together

Relationships can not work without spending quality time together because, everything precious takes time. If you must build a successful Marriage, you need quality time to bond as couple.

Make out time for each other even after marriage, make sure you go on a date with your partner and make every moment count.

6. Submission/ Humility

Nothing kills a relationship or marriage faster than pride. We all have weaknesses and for a relationship to work, you must make humility a lifestyle, admitting that you are not perfect and that you make mistakes and you will also need forgiveness as a human being. Holding a superior attitude over your partner will only bring about resentment and stop your relationship from growing bigger.

You can try this exercise if you are probably struggling in this area, grab a pen and write down few things your partner does better than you, this simple exercise will help you stay humble and stop being in competition with your partner.

7. Being a Faithful partner

Staying faithful in Marriage especially in the area of sex is very important. Keeping yourself for your partner alone, this includes your eyes, mind, heart and soul.

You must stay guarded in your sexuality and devote yourself entirely to your partner. Staying faithfully in Marriage requires high levels of self discipline and self control.

8. Standing in for each other

This is all about couples being selfless and not selfish. Many marriages gets broken because of selfishness. One thing couples needs to understand is that, marriage is not a one person thing. So therefore, both couple needs to stand in for each other, defend and protect themselves from harm in love and unity.

These are some important keys for a successful Marriage.

Endeavor to practice this keys efficiently and your relationship/marriage will experience a new outlook.

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